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Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents are a major cause of injury and death in connecticut

According to a recent study published by the Connecticut Department of Public Health, Connecticut motor  vehicle accidents from 2007 to 2013 resulted in more than 191,000 emergency room visits and more than $444 million in emergency department charges. If you or a family member has been involved in a motor vehicle accident, the best step you can take is to secure the representation of a skilled, experienced personal injury attorney.

Specialized, Experienced Legal Services

We are specialists who focus solely on personal injury law, including motor vehicle cases.

And although we work for individuals rather than insurance companies, we have extensive experience working on the insurance side of the personal injury business. Most importantly, we understand what it takes to build the strongest possible cases for our clients, and we are committed and effective in helping our clients obtain the maximum compensation for motor vehicle injuries or death. We work on a contingency basis, meaning there is no cost to you unless we have been successful in making a recovery for you.

Types of Motor Vehicle Accidents

We offer personal injury representation to individuals and families who have been injured in or affected by accidents or other motor vehicle incidents related to the following situations:

  • Distracted driving
  • Drunk driving
  • Rear-end collisions
  • Failure to yield
  • Running a stop sign or a red light
  • Speeding or racing
  • Uninsured motorists

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few questions that we’re often asked regarding motor vehicle accidents:

  • What should I do after a motor vehicle accident? Nullam varius lorem nec aliquet egestas. Vivamus posuere semper consequat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
  • Why should I talk to an attorney after an automobile accident that injures me or my family members? An experienced and dedicated attorney can maximize your compensation and minimize the frustration, delay and confusion that you would experience in making a claim for an injury.
  • What are the most likely issues that I will face in making a claim for my injuries from a car accident? Aliquam mauris diam, facilisis eget purus et, vehicula congue magna. Morbi ut suscipit eros.
  • How do I handle my property damage? Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer fermentum libero ut diam condimentum congue.
  • My car is totaled.  Can I keep driving it? Mauris ultrices ornare dapibus.

Case Studies

Here are just a few of the cases that we have handled recently:

  • Disc herniation following “minor” rear end collision | $1,450,000.00 recovery Nunc accumsan luctus ipsum, at egestas urna ornare nec. Donec sed libero vel risus feugiat consequat eu laoreet risus. Sed bibendum sit amet risus eu venenatis. Vivamus tincidunt nulla at nunc congue, et mattis velit posuere. Sed finibus viverra augue et vulputate. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent porttitor ante vitae erat ornare luctus. Aliquam vel ex nec dui interdum facilisis sed ac nunc.
  • Neurogenic bladder following rear end collision | $450,000.00 recovery A 34 year old man with a long history of back pain was involved in a relatively minor rear end collision while driving a truck.  As a result of this collision, the client developed a neurogenic bladder with episodes of incontinence.  Despite the complex medical history and difficult proof of such a private condition, the case resolved for an amount that represented fair compensation for his medical expenses and pain and suffering.
  • Intersection Collision Resulting In Back Surgery | $300,000.00 Vivamus auctor mauris vitae pharetra commodo. Suspendisse potenti. Nam lacus velit, maximus vitae fermentum quis, congue sed purus. Quisque id ligula luctus, venenatis erat in, viverra quam. Morbi in est lacinia, rutrum ex quis, maximus libero. Vestibulum vitae auctor dolor. In et quam sem.