Personal Injury Related Resources and Links
We find that clients who have been injured will often benefit from visiting one or more of the websites below to obtain useful information to help deal with the incident that caused their injuries, its aftermath, and steps to take to stay safe in the future.
Accident Reports
You can obtain police accident reports by writing or visiting the records division of the police department that responded to the incident. Many towns in Connecticut, and the Connecticut State Police, also make accident reports available online for a fee through
Vehicle Repair
Click on the link for the Connecticut Insurance Department’s answers to frequently asked questions regarding repairs to your vehicle following a crash:
Help With Injury and Chronic Pain
Find a comprehensive list of orthopedic specialists throughout Connecticut, including contact information.
You can find a lot of useful information, including treatment options and support for people who deal with chronic pain, by visiting these sites:
Help With Work Related Injuries
Learn what to do when you are hurt on the job by clicking on this link within the Connecticut Workers Compensation website.
Consumer Protection
- The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles will investigate auto dealers and repair shops for certain irregularities in the auto sale or repair process. You can present your concerns to the DMV through the “Auto repairer or dealer complaints” page on its website.
- Concerns and complaints about the care that you received by a Connecticut licensed hospital or doctor can be investigated by the Connecticut Department of Public Health. Find information about the procedure for filing a complaint against a health care provider with the Connecticut Department of Public Health:
- Consumer Product and Safety Commission – This website provides information about dangerous products, product recalls, and consumer safety tips. You can also report dangerous products to the CPSC through this site:
Driving Safely
- Winter driving tips
- State of Connecticut Center for Teen Safe Driving (includes Connecticut teen driving laws):
- Connecticut car crash statistics